Well, since I got a few pics of the show in Novi, I figured I could post them up here. I apologize ahead of time if you wanted to see a lot of bikes. Will have to keep that in mind next year. HeHeHe!!! And Steven, next time put the bag down and we could actually see the bike you are checking out. Sorry, wish I would've caught that for you when I previewed the pic.
On a side note, anybody can see why I need a camera with a better zoom on it.
And after further review, I figured I would share the pics of a fellow member of the www.detroitsportbikes.com message board, Rimmy. Who's zoom I will always envy.
Here's looking forward to a great riding season. It won't come soon enough.
What no pics of the wife???
The wife doesn't like her picture being taken. And besides, she wouldn't have went with me anyway. To her, it's a "guy thing."
CJ says you should play the honkytonkbadonkadonk song with those pics! LOL! So I guess you had a good time!
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