Two Wheel Freedom
The address is the same, for now, but the change has been made. Check out the new title of this thing I call my blog. "Two Wheel Freedom" is what I feel best conveys how I feel about motorcycling. Everything about motorcycling, good and bad. From finding the perfect twisty road clear of all traffic to commuting to work on a busy freeway. The beautiful Sunday morning rides or the times you get caught in a downpour 80 miles from home and continue onward. From being elbows deep in the bowels of your machine, to one day, your sweetest babydoll's arms wrapped around you as you enjoy the sun setting over the countryside while putting along a deserted backroad. On my bike, it is all good. It is all freedom.With the title change, I hope to improve some other things as well. The main thing being a consistant posting pattern. There will be at least one post a week. Some times I might accomplish something in the middle of the week that I might want to share with the world, than I'll post then, too. My target day for my weekly post is Monday. That way I can share any weekend ride, track day or other event experiences while they're fresh in my head, since most of those things happen on the weekend.
I will also work on my links on the side. I had them pretty well arranged, but I want to get more emphasis on some "entertaining" links. Certain sites that have great motorcycling pics, such as Killboy's incredible Tail of the Dragon photography, or videos. That will come in time.
That covers most of those hairy details, so let's get on with the good stuff.
Yes, on Saturday morning, the fizzer 6 will be in my possession. I absolutely can't wait. I can't wait to sit on it, start it, rev it, look at it. I can't wait to wash it, to check her over, to work on her. And I really can't wait to get some more pics of her. I've already got a location picked out for the "shoot". I know my kids can't wait because they want me to take their pictures of them on the bike. Hopefully I can get my wonderful wife in for a pic or two, also. Man this is going to be a long couple of days!
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