Wow. Seems like I did a lot of riding this past couple of weeks. I'll try not to drag this out to much to bore ya guys.Pretty much started fun riding last Thursday. Met up with a couple of guys from the DSB site and rode out to Royal Oak for bike night. Nice just to get out and hang out for a few checking out all the bikes that roll through. Not to mention the chicks. Yeah, bikes draw them out, I think. Ran into some more guys from the site and just some others that we know. A good time. But I did have to take off a bit early to head to work.On Saturday, I picked up my brother Steve and us and the kids headed down to Metro Powersports where the All Odds Beaten stunt team were putting on a show. Free food, some sic stunts and a bunch of good people make for a nice day. Here are just a couple pics I was able to get.

On Sunday morning, it was up at 7:00 am. Jen was off to Davison for her Grandpa's birthday party and I was gonna meet up with them later that afternoon. First, it was time to ride. I met a fellow rider that I have been corresponding with some online. She lives close by and we finally got a chance to get out and ride. Was my first time actually leading anyone. I have been in small and large groups with people behind me, so I'm used to keeping an eye out for rider's behind me. Making sure they make it through curves, intersections, and other things. Never want to ride away from a fellow rider that goes down. This was a nice easy pace, so it wouldn't be to much to worry about.We did a 4 county loop (Macomb, Oakland, Lapeer, and St. Clair) that ended up being about 150 miles. Started down Clinton River Rd to M53, then jogged over to Shelby Rd. Took that up to 23 Mile Rd which curves around nicely to Dequindre. A quick jump up Dequindre and we are able to jump on Parkdale, which winds us into Rochester. Once on Rochester Rd. we are able to head north away from civilization. After we gas up at 32 Mile Rd., we find the twisty section of Rochester Rd. With no traffic to speak of in front of us, we are able to enjoy a comfortable cruise through the curves all the way north to Dryden.At that point we point our wheels east down Dryden Rd. to find Belle River Rd. Belle River is an enjoyable road with some nice curves thrown in. (It's also the road where no less then 2 DSB members have went down on!) It will take you right into Memphis with almost no stops. Memphis is my normal stop point. Get something to eat, drink and to clean my shield. My normal spot wasn't opened yet, though, so we visited Subway. It's not the same when you ride somewhere, then eat at a place you could eat at right around the corner from home (unless the name of the place is HOOTERS), but it was food. Got to talk a little, which was nice. It's a funny thing about motorcyclists. You usually have spent miles doing something together, but had hardly any conversation beforehand. We headed east out of Memphis heading for Dolan/Rattle Run Rds. Rode those to Wadhams where we headed south to Indian Trail, which stays south. At Marine City Hwy, a quick jump east to Marsh Rd, and we were south bound again. Marsh leads you right to Algonac and the shores of the St. Clair River where we jump south on M29 and follow that towards home.Once we hit Jefferson and make the quick freeway detour on I94 to get around the S.A.N.G. Base, we were back on N. River Rd. Over the Clinton River to S. River Rd. and we were on Jefferson again. We had decided a photo op was in order, and this was as good as place as any I figured, so we pulled off to get an action shot of her, so she'd have one.

While we were pulled over, had just one more experience that re-affirms how good the motorcyclist family can be. We were just getting off our bikes and another rider on a Harley slowed to make sure everything was ok, and we didn't need a hand with something. Is it a brotherhood? I'm not sure. It could just be because one of us was a woman. LOL. Once done there we were back on the road again. Jumped the Jefferson/Shook/Harper Circle back up to Crocker to head back to Clinton River Rd. And that's where that ride ended, with a couple thank you's and hand shake. It was a pleasant ride, even while dodging roadkill. We'll ride again, for sure!Well, from there it was more miles to put on. Time to head north and get to Jen's grandparents. I fenagled my way over to I75 and hotfooted it up to M15 where I could take a nice easy ride into Davison. Only about 10 minutes away from Davison I stopped to get something to drink and take a little break. I noticed Jen had called so I called her back only to find out my middle child, Andrew, was sick and they were heading home. So now I head south. After a while a decided to head east. Found a two lane road that looked good enough and decided to find out where it would take me. That ended up being Lapeer Rd. (M24) which I took south into Oxford. Then headed east on Lakeville Rd. back to Rochester Rd. I figured since I was here, I would enjoy the curves at a bit faster pace. But got stuck behind traffic going through them, and after I turned around to come back toward home. Oh well. Can't always have it your way. Back south on Rochester Rd and headed home on all the roads I had ridden earlier that day. I did get away from traffic on Clinton River Rd. so I enjoyed that, too.Once home, it ended up being a little more than a 250 mile day. Just a nice way to spend the day. But, I'll have to get up north to see the in-laws again, soon. It has been a while.Next time I'll tell you of my adventures in the rain. Figured you have had enough for now.
Jen's back at it again. It's a shame though I didn't have the camera. Here's the story.This past Sunday night, Jen wanted to go for a ride. I just think, "COOL! Does it get any better?" So I suggest a ride up to the Anchor Bay area for dinner at Decker's Landing. She love the idea of eating and hanging out right on the water as much as I do. Thanks to a great Mom, who either happily or unhappily (I'm gonna guess happily, because who wouldn't want to hang with my kids for a while, LOL) takes the kids for the evening, we are able to go. We are on the road just after 8:00. A bit late, but oh well.It's a nice ride up the lake. We both decided to take the added risk of no jacket, and I must say it was nice. Not something I'll do often, but it was nice. We were chasing the sunset all the way up the shoreline and watching it through the openings offered by either houses, businesses or parks. It was awesome. Dark orange waves pulsed through the sky. Just burning up the horizon. It was beautiful. I was hoping to be able to watch it dip out of sight when we hit our destination, but no luck. That was my first race on my bike and I lost. But Jen did get to enjoy most of it since she didn't have to watch the road.We reached the Landing about 10 minutes after 9:00. Guess what. The kitchen closed at 9:00. Sometimes that's our luck. We both opted instead for a pop and just enjoyed the breeze off the water for a few minutes. Didn't stay too long, though, because we were hungry.Looking for a place on the way home, Jen suggests just going to Hooters when we get back to town. Well, you don't have to say it twice when suggesting Hooters to me. That was the new destination. The bugs on the way back were horrendous, as expected that time of night. We enjoyed the same way back into town, right down M29 into New Baltimore, then to Jefferson. This then led to Jen's first trips on the freeway to get around Selfridge Air National Guard Base. No she didn't open her eyes either time. We only went to the next exit, North River rd., took that along the base till we could cross over the river to South River rd. Meandered behind one of Macomb County's finest most of the way to back to Jefferson. From there it was a little sidestep down Shook to Harper, south to 14 mile and over to Hooters. They close at 11:00 and it's 10:30, we're good to go.Once inside, I show Jen my face shield, she show's me hers. Mine is covered with unpaying passengers and hers is completely clean. Guess I was her "windshield," LOL. The highligts from Hooters.....1. I stuck my hand into the ceiling fan while taking off my sweatshirt. I didn't flinch. Yes, I'm a badass ; ) LOL.2. (and this is when I really wanted a camera rolling) Justine, our Hooters girl, managed to spill Jen's completely refilled Diet Pepsi right into her lap. Yes, free food for us. It was great. Memories I tell ya!After all was said and done, we went just under 75 miles round trip. Her longest ride yet. I'm so happy Jen has decided to venture into this world with me. It was one more great ride to put in the books.Ok, here to is a pic for ya. I promised this picture last week. I have it and have did a little work but here is my first "action" photo. In it you can see the potential for me to actually ride fast. HeHe, maybe one day.
Had some experiences this week, for sure. Since I worked all the hours last week, I made sure to take last Wednesday off, because finally, I wanted to go to Headliners. "What is Headliners," you ask. Well it is really a concert hall down in Toledo, OH but on Wednesdays they host a bike night. More importantly, while hosting their bike night, they have a WET T-SHIRT CONTEST! Yes, I have to check it out at least once.
After meeting up with most of the core DSB members at one of their houses, we headed south. Detoured to meet up with a couple other riders, and then hit the pavement toward Ohio. By then, we decided to first stop at Jeds Barbeque and Brew for food, since they were also having a bike night and a few other guys from the DSB forums were already there. They had hot waitresses, a bikini bike wash, which I didn't partake or get pics, and Scooter Trash was performing. If you like to watch some good moto-stunts, they definitely fit the bill. Here is some of the goings on at Jeds.

After more than an hour of waiting for our food, which one guy never did see his, we left and headed for headliners. Nothing going on here but hanging out, checking out bikes and girls. It is a fun time, and I can only share a few of the pics with you, to keep this page kid and work friendly, and I'm not sure if I can even do that. I wish I would have gotten pics of the two chicks dancing close and dirty with eachother, which led to them making out, which then led to body shots while laid on what I can only assume was one of their boyfriends bikes. Nice.

On Sunday was a DSB group ride down in the Ypsilanti area. Met up with some guys on the east side and enjoyed the dot to dot trip we made down. Shooting here than there than here to meet different people along the way. Was fun and some of those freeway entrance ramps are just plain fun! Finally made it without incident. (even though one of the guys did almost lose a wheelie at about 75 mph when his feet slipped off the pegs)There was a huge turn out for the DSB ride. Maybe bigger than anyone ride yet. The leader of the ride had a great idea also for pics. There is what was basically the best little set of curves on the ride, and he thought it would be cool to get some pics of some of the riders getting around the corner. Well, I went through once, but ended up blowing my corner speed and came through much slower than I should have. Wasn't smooth on the throttle at all. I'll still share the pic with ya when I get it, though. Until then, here is a pic of the group at the starting spot, and at the first rest stop.

There was what I consider some unsafe riding for big group rides up to that point, and I really wanted to hit some more curvy stuff, so I left the ride midway through after a rest stop. Mille was going to find the twisty roads out Stockbridge way so I tagged along with him and found some nice curves. I definitely have to figure out a camcorder set-up to share with you guys some of these roads. Until then, you can only see pics of when we stopped. Which is fine, because right now, you would only see how slow I am in the twisty stuff. LOL!

Well, it was a good week. Ride safe out there people.
Was a boring week for riding. Working close to 80 hours will do that. So this week my riding highlights are this.......
Tuesday, was beautiful outside until It was time for me to leave work. As I rolled out of the parking lot, the raindrops started. I'm not to worried because I have my overpants on. I've been wanting to test out how waterproof they are. Well, would have been a good idea, except it was a freakin downpour and I was genius enough to leave the zipper over my crotch down. I got soaked through. LOL!! It took two days for my leather to dry, and longer for my gloves. Ahhh the adventure.
On Friday, it was a different story. I couldn't sleep so I left for work early, and went on a little ride. Rode Clinton River rd. over to Van Dyke and jumped on 59. Took 59 back to Romeo Plank to head back into town to jump on the freeway to head to work. Again, the evidence of my genius is just overwhelming. After a nice little get around I came back into Mt. Clemens to remember that they were having their 4th of July fireworks celebration that night. Which of course was just ending as I came through downtown. Yes, traffic jams on a motorcycle do suck, but at least you can see all the people as they are walking by. Even the chick that isn't paying attention as she is crossing a street and trips on the curb. Yes, she fell right on her face. She might've got more rash on her then I did in my last get off. She hit hard!
Well, since I don't have any pics from riding the streets this week, I'll share these with ya. Some pics of my new bike!!!! Yup, I've been trying to get this bike for at least a month and I finally managed to do it. Here she is!

And I've already wrecked her.

What, that's not funny. Well, I try. LOL!
Here are some more pics I've saved from Tourist Trophy that I kinda like.

But I think this is one of my favorites so far.

Well, you guys have a great 4th of July. Remember why we celebrate an Independence, and celebrate it right!!!