Hey out there. This is my story of freedom found. Tales of camaraderie, mishaps and adventures. Come along and enjoy the ride.

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Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Was a boring week for riding. Working close to 80 hours will do that. So this week my riding highlights are this.......

Tuesday, was beautiful outside until It was time for me to leave work. As I rolled out of the parking lot, the raindrops started. I'm not to worried because I have my overpants on. I've been wanting to test out how waterproof they are. Well, would have been a good idea, except it was a freakin downpour and I was genius enough to leave the zipper over my crotch down. I got soaked through. LOL!! It took two days for my leather to dry, and longer for my gloves. Ahhh the adventure.

On Friday, it was a different story. I couldn't sleep so I left for work early, and went on a little ride. Rode Clinton River rd. over to Van Dyke and jumped on 59. Took 59 back to Romeo Plank to head back into town to jump on the freeway to head to work. Again, the evidence of my genius is just overwhelming. After a nice little get around I came back into Mt. Clemens to remember that they were having their 4th of July fireworks celebration that night. Which of course was just ending as I came through downtown. Yes, traffic jams on a motorcycle do suck, but at least you can see all the people as they are walking by. Even the chick that isn't paying attention as she is crossing a street and trips on the curb. Yes, she fell right on her face. She might've got more rash on her then I did in my last get off. She hit hard!

Well, since I don't have any pics from riding the streets this week, I'll share these with ya. Some pics of my new bike!!!! Yup, I've been trying to get this bike for at least a month and I finally managed to do it. Here she is!

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And I've already wrecked her.

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What, that's not funny. Well, I try. LOL!

Here are some more pics I've saved from Tourist Trophy that I kinda like.

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But I think this is one of my favorites so far.

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Well, you guys have a great 4th of July. Remember why we celebrate an Independence, and celebrate it right!!!

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