Hey out there. This is my story of freedom found. Tales of camaraderie, mishaps and adventures. Come along and enjoy the ride.

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Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Time to do some maintenance. I got pretty lucky and was able to get some life out of the chain that was on my bike when I bought her. Even if she wasn't even an o-ring chain and was pretty weather beaten. But I was out of adjustment range and I needed a new chain and sprocket set.

First, to make things possible.....a rear stand. This is a must have, especially for routine maintenance like cleaning and lubing the chain. Well, a member of DSB runs Mid-Michigan Motorsports, and along with my chain and sprockets, hooked me up with a great deal on this DMP stainless rear stand.

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Here are some pics of the job at hand, and how it went.

First, the new parts...

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And for the front sprocket, you definitely want to use air tools if ya got 'em.

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Ok, on to the back...

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Word of advice. Before you get to this point, make sure you have all the parts that belong on the bike, actually on the bike and not sitting over to the side.

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Well, that was just a quick little detour. Soon after all was together and the new chain was on.

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All ready to go. So here are a couple pics of my bike now. Gotta a little 'Naked Fizz' going on. Last year, you guys saw me cutting my teeth on a Hawk GT, which is a naked bike. Well, that left a mark on my soul, and the little fizzer has a future in streetfighting. For now, this is how she sits.

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Then the ugly factory mirrors came off and a simple bar-end takes over that job..

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Some homemade mirror block-off plates coming soon to replace the gawdy mirror mounting brackets. Until then everyone.....Let's get naked!!!

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