Hey out there. This is my story of freedom found. Tales of camaraderie, mishaps and adventures. Come along and enjoy the ride.

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Metro Detroit, Michigan, United States

Friday, February 02, 2007

Yes, it's been forever. And it seems even longer since I've actually ridden the fizzer. The last time was October 31, actually, so it's been 3 months. I have sat on it and started it some since then, but that doesn't much count. So it's been a long winter. Even if the riding weather did extend well into December, I wasn't able to ride. You know, off season maintenance, right.


I haven't done one single thing that I had needed to do so far. The carbs.....not cleaned. Tune-up....nope. What about paint.....didn't think so. Brakes, tires.....of course not. What about stripping the front fairing for a sweet streetfighter.....You guessed it. No, I've been pretty busy lately with work and family so all that will come later. As long as it's done by April. That's right. Track day!

Though, while the bike is very important, I have discovered something else that needs alot of work. Before I can squeeze into that new one-piece leather suit I plan on buying, I'm going to have lessen my waistline measurement. Yes, I seem to be losing the battle of physical fitness and I can't let that happen. Heck, my bike is slow and underpowered has it is, I can't make it worse by weighing in at nearly 260lbs. So, I must take action. And there is no excuses available for this one. It has nothing to do with work or family, right?

So here are my fitness goals, to make 2007 a more enjoyable year, both on the bike and off.

Short Term (target date - April 1st)
-Get down to 240 lbs. I weighed in at 258 on January 29th, so that gives me 2 months to lose 18 lbs.
-Start a light cardio exercise routine.

Intermediate Term (target date - June 1st)
-Get down to 220 lbs. This is my ultimate target weight.
-Add in some additional exercises for muscle.

Long Term (November 1st)
-Still be 220 lbs. unless I learn more about Body Mass Index and find that muscle might cause my ideal weight to be somewhat higher.

I don't know how realistic it is for me to lose 40 pounds in 4 months. But I won't have any excuses if I don't. I'm sure of that. I sure can't imagine trying to fit into an off the rack leather suit with a midsection the size of mine, so I have to make this work. Not to mention, while my babydoll likes a little belly on a guy, I'm thinking the word little is key in that sentence.

So wish me luck.

But what do fat guys do with the other DSB members in the offseason. We entertain ourselves with some bad ass go-carts at Kart2Kart. Check it out on my Myspace page.

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